Feedback’s response to Tesco’s publication of their annual food waste

10th May 18 by Carina Millstone, Executive Director

Food waste generated in UK operations remains stubbornly stuck at the 0.5% of food sold mark, much like previous years.

Responding to Tesco’s publication of their annual food waste data today, Carina Millstone, Executive Director of Feedback, said:

‘We are pleased to see that Tesco continues to show impressive leadership on food waste by publishing detailed, independently verified information on waste generated across product categories and business locations. We are also pleased to see Tesco reiterate its commitment to halve food waste from farm to fork by 2030, and its ongoing work with suppliers to make this happen. But as for the waste figures themselves, alas, we can’t help but be disappointed that Tesco’s efforts haven’t translated into results. Food waste generated in UK operations remains stubbornly stuck at the 0.5% of food sold mark, much like previous years. Tesco’s failure to eliminate food waste completely in its own operations – let alone in its supply chain or in its customers’ home- despite its undisputed leadership and its commitment to doing so, suggests to us that supermarkets’ business models and ownership structure make them inherently wasteful. We look forward to Tesco proving us wrong.’


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