The Jesus College Climate Justice Campaign on why we need holistic divestment, which looks beyond fossil fuels and includes Big Livestock.
Updates Big Livestock vs. The Planet View all
MP leads call for amendment to environment bill to root out illegal deforestation from supply chains
New analysis from Feedback shows even MPs about to vote on deforestation measures have pensions investments in JBS.
Without robust due diligence, financial institutions will continue to fund soy-driven deforestation.
Get involved in our workshops to critically examine the food on our plates and bring about a fairer food system.
Carina Millstone, Feedback's Exec Director, explains how industrial meat and dairy pose a significant threat to our planet and our future.
Voluntary commitments to sustainable soy supply chains won't stick in the face of ongoing deforestation scandals. Time for Plan B.
There is no version of climate and ecological justice that involves factory farming.
Who profits from the US meat processing sectors bumper pay-outs?
We’re sharing the world’s largest dataset of who funds factory farming.
Industrial livestock is killing the planet, argues Carina Millstone. It’s time for investors to pull the financial plug.
New evidence exposes links between Brazilian meat company JBS and ongoing deforestation in the Amazon.
There's a meaty omission from an industry commitment to reduce meat waste.
Meat and dairy are a climate issue. But from the scale of investments and lending to Big Livestock, you wouldn't know it.
Development finance institutions should neither materially, nor symbolically support environmental degradation.
The tragic impact of Big Livestock on the Planet needs to end.
The Brazilian government is dismantling environmental regulations under the cover of the Covid19 crisis.
The EU's role in a food system that meets climate ambitions.
Feedback launches our report making the case that Big Livestock, like Big Oil, by its very nature belongs on the wrong side of history.
Divestment campaigning is more than the process of divesting alone.
Lab-grown foods - the future of farming? Daniel Jones is concerned about the triumph of industrial, corporate agriculture in another guise.
Overall 75% of global soy production ends up in animal feed.