Green Futures Partnership Projects
Looking for support to get a new project or idea off the ground?
We are welcoming applications and interest from schools, youth organisations and those working in the progressive food and farming sector, to apply for funding from our scheme or support from our mentoring, training or advice opportunities.
For more information please click here
So check out the opportunities for funding and support below.
- Progressive Food and Farming sector workplace visits (max £500 available per application)
- Partnership Projects (£500-£2000 available per project)
Progressive Food & Farming Sector Workplace Visit Grants are where a larger group of young people go on a visit to experience how a business, charity or social enterprise works. It could be for a morning or a full day dependent upon logistics
Example: Youth Elements C.I.C wants to take their Wednesday youth group to Roundland’s Pick Your Own Farm Orchard to learn about how the PYO farm works. The farm has said that they can also help to collect the apples at the end of the season so they can donate some to the local food bank but also to learn how to make items like sauce and fruit leather. They have asked for costs to cover transport, extra youth worker, entry to the farm and jam jars.
Partnership Project Grants are to try out and pilot new ideas bringing new partners together from different sectors. Partnership Projects need to demonstrate impact and quality engagement opportunities for young people 11-17 years old.
Example 1: ‘Bluestone School’ want to work with ‘Growing Life’ to build a new school garden as well as invite local primary schools to visit and work together to plant and harvest vegetables.
Example 2: ‘Chriscross Estate Community Fridge’ want to work with students from ‘Ashaven School’ to create a video about their community fridge and how it helps to reduce food waste.
Example 3: Six form students from a SEND school will spend time working with ‘Chard Farm’ helping to harvest, learning about sales, orders, supply and growing across the autumn term. Including producing their own retail model for the farm to have a stall at their school fair.
Example 4: ‘Wye Scout Group’ want to work with ‘Woodside Rangers’ to develop a local nature trail. They want to learn basic foraging bushcraft with a local tutor ;as well as build dead hedges along the trail creating local habitats.
- Partnerships must include a minimum of one youth focused partner and one sector partner.
- The lead organisation will be expected to complete due diligence checks.
Deadline: 1st July 2024 & 1st October 2024 at midday
We encourage discussions with the Green Futures team prior to submitting an application. Please email
To apply please complete this form and return by email Partnership Project Application