Request for Proposal: Evaluation of Feedback

Key Information

We are seeking an evaluation consultant to support us in evaluating how effective we have been during the period 2020-2025, in view of helping us developing our next strategy during 2025.

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About the job

Request for Proposal: Evaluation of Feedback

Monitoring, evaluation and learning: How effective was Feedback in delivering its 2020-2025 Strategic Framework- and what does this mean for its next Strategy?



We are seeking an evaluation consultant to support us in evaluating how effective we have been during the period 2020-2025, in view of helping us developing our next strategy during 2025.

Founded in 2010, Feedback Global is a London-headquartered environmental campaign group that works to regenerate nature by transforming the food system. Working closely with our sister organisation Feedback EU, founded in 2021 and based in The Hague, we work on critical food systems issues, including land use, bioenergy, food waste, aquaculture, sustainable diets, and community engagement and mobilisation projects.

During 2025 and by November, we will be developing our new strategic framework. Additionally, we will be renaming and rebranding in May. To that end, we are seeking an evaluation expert to:

  1. Review ‘how we did’ in implementing our 2021-2025 strategic framework, including progress towards our vision, enacting of our values, progress towards our internal and external change agenda (captured in 21 aims) and incorporating internal and external perspectives. (The scope of the evaluation will include a number of strategic questions to inform the development of the new strategy).
  2. Provide strategic and operational recommendations for the development of our new strategy, including how to capitalise on our rebrand, and identifying our unique positioning in the food system ecosystem specifically looking at direction, content and tactics.



  • Desk Based Research: Review existing materials, including our strategic framework, annual reports, evaluation of different projects, funder reports, our communications, materials developed during our rebranding and renaming process, materials pertaining to Equity, Diversity and Anti-racism and others
  • Interviews:
    • Interview key team and board members
    • Interview external stakeholders
    • Review external coverage of our work
    • Any other activities conducive to evaluating our work and developing recommendations
    • We will provide existing materials and contacts for interviews.



We envisage initial conclusions to be shared with the Executive Directors. The main output of this evaluation will be a report with an accompanying slide deck. This will be presented twice, to the Feedback organisation and to the board, via in-person/ hybrid meetings, currently envisaged to take place in London in May.

The evaluation is to take place during the period March – May 2025.


Skills and experience

We are looking for a consultant who has experience applying a range of evaluation and learning methods to real-world projects, including campaigns work. Ideally, the candidate would also have experience of work to change food systems, and experience and understanding of taking account of diversity, equity and inclusion considerations in an evaluation process.


For reference, our current strategic framework is available here.

How to apply

Please submit a proposal including:

  • A brief CV / summary of your relevant experience. (2 pages max)
  • A cover letter or proposal outlining how you would approach this work, what experience or resources you would draw on, and what you envisage the key challenges would be. Please include your availability to deliver this work. (2 pages max)
  • If possible, examples of other evaluations you have carried out
  • An itemised budget including your time and any additional costs


We have a budget of up to £9,000 including VAT for this work.


Deadline for proposals:  10am, Thursday 27th February 2025

Please submit proposals to Shirley McNeill, HR & Operations Manager –

For further information or questions, please contact Executive Director Carina Millstone at


Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview week commencing 3rd March 2025.

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