Local authority industrial livestock divestment resources

Want to find out more about the £238 million that UK local authority pensions are funnelling into industrial livestock companies? Are you a campaigner or local councillor who wants to push for change? See our handy resources, produced in collaboration with World Animal Protection, to find out more:

A New Front In Divestment Campaigning: UK Local Authority Pension Investments in Industrial Livestock: Our ground-breaking report providing an introduction to UK local authority industrial livestock investments, the moral and financial case for divestment, and a guide for campaigners to raise pressure.

Tool: Use our handy tool to find out how much your local council invests in industrial livestock, and message your councillors to ask them to divest

LGPS Industrial Livestock Divestment Briefing for Councillors: A handy guide for councillors explaining the moral and financial case for divestment and how they can organise for their council’s pension fund to divest.

Industrial Livestock Corporation Case Studies: A comprehensive guide to the world’s largest meat, dairy, soya and farmed fish corporations – and why local authorities should divest from them.

Case for Support: Why Divest from Industrial Livestock?: A more detailed briefing on the environmental, social justice, health and animal welfare case for divestment from industrial livestock.

Dataset: The detailed dataset of UK local authority industrial livestock investments – find out which companies your local council is invested in, and take a deeper dive into the data. This data was collected by J Goodey, Nicole Pihan and Oliver Wills. We will consider further sharing of data on request – if you are interested in editable access to explore or analyse the data further – as a councillor, divestment campaigner or journalist – please enquire at divestbiglivestock@feedbackglobal.org

Template divestment motion: COMING SOON – email us at divestbiglivestock@feedbackglobal.org if you’d like a copy as soon as we have a draft

If you’d like to set up or join an industrial livestock divestment group in your area, please contact us for ideas and support, and to help network you with other campaigners around the country: divestbiglivestock@feedbackglobal.org