Tag: #fightfoodwastefriday

Hurray for Stepney City Farm pigs doing their bit for the climate

11th Dec 15 by fb_admin
Munching on yummy pig porridge of brewers spent grain and okara mixed with whey.
Munching on yummy pig porridge of brewers’ spent grains and okara mixed with whey.

Karen Luyckx from The Pig Idea takes us on a pig feeding tour at Stepney City Farm.

Yesterday I turned up for my first stint of open volunteering at Stepney City Farm. How wonderful to be doing health checks of soft happy bunnies and cheeky ferrets. But the best bit was to witness the food waste pyramid in full action.

Stepney farm gets regular donations of surplus fruit and veg from market traders which are used for topping up animal feed. In this case however the bananas they had been given were still perfect to eat for humans too. So ten bananas were happily munched during the volunteer break, and another ten were peeled and given to Stepney’s two pigs together with some apples. One of them got so excited by the sight of those bananas that she knocked over one of the volunteers in her eagerness to get to them. (Don’t worry, aside from muddy wellies and jeans, no harm was done)

These pigs are hard at work doing their bit to fight climate change.
These pigs are hard at work doing their bit to fight climate change.

We also prepared yummy pig porridge: brewers’ spent grains and okara (by-product from tofu-making) mixed with whey (by-product from cheese-making). What a joy to watch them eating with an eagerness and enthusiasm like only pigs can do. But more importantly, these lovely Stepney City Farm pigs are doing their bit for the climate because they don’t eat virgin crops like rainforest soya or barley. And you don’t need to take our word for it: just check out an important study by Cambridge University published this week.

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If you eat, you’re in!

27th Nov 15 by fb_admin

Calling all food waste warriors: Join us at the climate march!

If food waste were a country it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases- just after the US and China.

Food waste squanders natural resources like water, energy and land. It also needlessly produces greenhouse gas emissions, making it one of the largest contributors to climate change.  We need your help to show just how large the problem is and that the solutions are tasty!

Feedback, together with other anti food waste organisations such as This is Rubbish and Olio, will be forming the food waste warriors bloc to take to the streets of London this Sunday, 29 November at the People’s March for Climate Justice and Jobs. We will be joining other food and agriculture organisations to make our voices heard before the COP 21 commences on Monday.

Join the food waste revolution! Join the Food Waste Bloc at the Climate March and don’t miss out on this epic day.

More event details here.

Don’t forget to share on Facebook and invite your friends!

HELP! Let’s redistribute these tasty apples rescued by our fab Gleaning Network UK.

Epic Apple Giveaway – volunteers needed

Every year around the globe 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted, that’s one-third of all food that’s produced for human consumption. If food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. Solutions to climate change DO exist, beginning with putting a stop to food waste.

In order to highlight the tasty solutions to food waste, we will be handing out thousands of delicious apples that would have otherwise been wasted to demonstrators and the general public. The apples were rescued by our amazing Gleaning Network UK team.

We need volunteers to help hand them out! Email pascale@feedbackglobal.org if you would like to help.


climate march FINAL

We hope to see you this Sunday. If you eat you’re in!


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Gleaning Network’s Rescued over 2 Million Portions of Food Since 2012

20th Nov 15 by fb_admin

Strawberry gleaning 16A Berry Big Accomplishment

A big congratulations is in order to all those who have supported and volunteered to help our ever-expanding Gleaning Network! Since 2012 the Gleaning Network has rescued over 2 million portions of fruit and vegetable from going to waste on farmers fields.

The Gleaning Network coordinates volunteers, farmers and food redistribution charities in order to salvage the thousands of tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables that are wasted on farms every year across the UK and Europe, and direct this fresh, nutritious food to people in need. The Soil Association estimate that 20-40% of UK Fruit and vegetables are rejected on cosmetic grounds before they reach the consumer.

Last week, our gleaners rescued 2 tonnes of apples from going to waste on a farm in Sussex and there are more gleans planned for the wrap-up of this year. Please sign up to our gleaning list if you’d like to get involved.

An Evening of Gourmet Upcycling

The talented chef Jackson Boxer of Brunswick House prepared a very special meal on Monday evening using a host of ingredients that otherwise would have been wasted. There were loads of declious apples rescued by our Gleaning Network, as well as a fantastic pig fed on a diet of food waste. Next time someone says you can’t do something special with food waste, tell them to have a look at this fantastic menu:

waste food dinner menu

How are you with FIGures?bean counter

Feedback is hiring! If you or anyone you know is interested in joining the food waste revolution from the frontlines here at our bright Dalston office be sure to apply for one of our two roles: Financial Controller and Bookkeeper. Spread the word.


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Pledging Support in the Food Waste Fight

13th Nov 15 by fb_admin

Pledge Central

farmer2updateWith the release of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s second episode of the hard-hitting BBC1 documentary – Hugh’s War on Waste – UK food waste has been thrust onto the public agenda. The outcry for supermarkets to tackle the vast amount of food waste they generate is deafening. Hugh’s Pledge of Support broke the internet on Monday with well over 200,000 signatures. The Stop the Rot Campaign calling on supermarkets to commit to ambitious targets to reduce their own stores’ and their manufacturing suppliers’ food waste by 30% by 2025 is experiencing massive support with over 180,000 signatures.

Finally, the petition for Feedback’s Stop Dumping Campaign has amassed over 1 million signatures! We are calling on national leaders and ministers to:

Pass laws obliging supermarkets to donate unsold food and publish their waste data, as well as to establish authorities to investigate supermarkets’ unfair treatment of suppliers, such as dumping waste onto farmers.








Help keep this amazing momentum alive. Share these very important pledges with your family and friends:

Stop Dumping

Stop the Rot

Hugh’s Appeal

Don’t forget to read more about what Feedback’s been working on in our latest newsletter.

In the News…

There have been some fantastic food waste stories in the news this week:

parsnip in armsFeedback’s Edd Colbert found a treasure trove of perfectly edible luxury food dumped outside a local Waitrose branch. You can see loads of fantastic photos and read all about the dumpster diving expedition in the Daily Mail.

In The Times this week, Feedback Founder Tristram Stuart discusses using food no longer fit for human consumption as fodder for livestock. You can read the article here: Using Pigs in the Fight Against Food Waste 

Look forward to another update next week from #fightfoodwastefriday!

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Fired up about Food Waste?

6th Nov 15 by fb_admin

hugh-parsnipsIn the wake of the first installment of Hugh’s War on Waste, a three-part documentary series investigating food waste in the UK on BBC1, there’s been a tremendous outcry for UK supermarkets and food retailers to tackle the incredible amount of food they waste.

Annually, supermarkets are wasting millions of tonnes of food. In fact:

UK businesses throw out over 7 million tonnes of food annually before it even gets to your plate – that’s enough to lift all the hungry people in the UK out of food poverty, and equal to about half the food wasted in the UK -Stop the Rot

For years, Feedback has been investigating the supply chains of some of the UK’s largest food retailers. We’ve also met with farmers in the UK who have been forced to waste food on their farms for two major reasons:

Supermarkets dictate strict product specifications to farmers meaning that they’ll only buy fruits and vegetables that fit demanding size, shape and colour specifications – regardless of the nutrition, taste and value of the food.

On top of this, last minute order cancellations by supermarkets and the businesses they are supplied by leave many farmers without any compensation and no market to sell their food to.

When farmers are forced to waste entire crops some have to resort to taking out loans in order to pay their workers. However, not all workers are paid, meaning they cannot put food on their table or send their children to school. Imagine, the very people who grow our food don’t have enough to eat themselves?

If you’re in the UK and haven’t seen the programme yet, you can watch it on iPlayer.

The next episode will air this Monday 9 November from 9-10 PM on BBC1. You can also follow Feedback on twitter for a live chat during the show. Be sure to use #wastenot. Don’t miss it!

If you want to do more to tackle food waste consider signing Hugh’s Pledge calling for supermarkets to double the amount of waste food they redistribute in the next year and for more transparancy in how they deal with food waste.

Demand Ugly#fightfoodwastefriday

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Join Feedback and Hugh in the War on Food Waste

30th Oct 15 by fb_admin

Hugh-Fearnley Whittingstall’s BBC1 investigation into food waste kicks off!

hughUK businesses throw out over 7 million tonnes of food annually before it even gets to your plate – that’s enough to lift all the hungry people in the UK out of food poverty, and equal to about half the food wasted in the UK. Hugh’s three-part series, which Feedback’s Founder Tristram Stuart was a contributor and advisor to, will prove a fascinating examination into the shocking and tragic reasons for food waste around the country. The first episode will broadcast on BBC1 2/11 at 9pm. Tune in to witness the hidden aspects of food waste first hand.

Also, don’t forget to follow along on Twitter for a live chat and Q&A with Tristram Stuart and members of the Feedback team who will be answering all your questions about food waste. Be sure to use #wastenot.

For further insight into food waste have a look at BBC Magazine’s Viewpoint: The rejected vegetables that aren’t even wonky.

In Other News…Stop the Rot logo

Feedback was busy this week with Feeding the 5000 Brighton on 29/10. Be sure to check the festive photos from our facebook album here.

We’ve also seen the launch of Stop the Rot an exciting new campaign from our friends This is Rubbish. Stop the Rot challenges supermarkets to be transparent about the massive 7 million tonnes of food waste in their supply chain and commit to ambitious targets to reduce this food waste by 30% by 2025.

You can read even more about what Feedback has been up to in our latest newsletter available here: NEWSLETTER


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