Feedback’s Top 10 Most Amaizing Food Waste Stories of 2015
From parsnip mountains to loads of luxury treats, here’s a list of Feedback’s top news stories of the year:
1. Why are we wasting so much food?
Written and Narrated by Feedback Founder Tristram Stuart for AJ+, this short animated video argues that food waste is a global scandal of epic proportions.
2. Enough Is Enough: Challenging the chorus calling for dramatically increasing food production
In this article for Medium, Tristram Stuart discusses how food production is the single biggest impact humans have on the environment.
3. Food: How much does the world need?
This article for the World Economic Forum explores the notion that there is plenty of food to feed a growing population but more efficient consumption habits are needed to do so.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s three part documentary series for BBC1 sets out to find out why we waste so much food, catapulting food waste into the national spotlight.
5. Supermarket’s #stopdumping your food waste on farmers
The short YouTube video highlights the staggering amount of waste that gets dumped on farmers due to strict cosmetic standards and last minute order cancellations.
6. Binned by Waitrose: From Heston’s pies to gourmet pizzas, 83 luxury – and edible – food items dumped at one supermarket branch
Feedback’s Edd Colbert reveals the astounding amount of food that gets wasted in one Waitrose store.
7. Rejected: Almost half of food grown in Kenya for Europe is wasted
For Food Tank: The Food Think Tank, Edd Colbert shares his experience uncovering how far reaching the global food waste scandal is while on a trip to Kenya.
8. The UN Sustainable Development Goals set food waste reduction target
The UN adopts new SDGs including food waste reduction targets to “halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer level, and reduce food losses along production and supply chains by 2030”.
9. Meet the gleaners helping themselves to one Norfolk farmer’s crop of parsnips
Follow a group of volunteer gleaners to a parsnip farm in Norfolk in this Guardian article.
10. “The beauty of this problem is that it has many solutions and those solutions are delicious.”
Feeding the 5000’s Global Campaign Manager, Dominika Jarosz, discusses the problem of foodwaste and how it is being addressed on BBCRadio5 Live at 2h 48m.
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