You don’t need super powers to help protect our planet

2nd Sep 21 by Rebecca Nutley

Encouraging people to eat local and seasonal food, which is better for our planet, and also encouraging them to try growing their own food.

This summer Growing Food Citizens joined forces with three local Climate Action Groups to run an amazing poster competition to make people locally more aware about the food they eat, and how we can reduce the food that is often wasted in our homes.

Enlisting the creative flare of our children and young people, we asked them to take part in our exciting competition and design an eye-catching poster reminding people to think about the food that they buy and reduce food being wasted. Encouraging people to eat local and seasonal food, which is better for our planet and climate, whilst also encouraging them to try growing their own food!

Lots of people across the UK, and in Buckinghamshire, have noticed how bad we are about using up all the food we purchase, and we often then throw it away! This isn’t the best use of our money, plus it’s bad for our planet as it wastes resources; as well as produces gases linked to the climate crisis. We also wanted to encourage people grow their own vegetables and eat locally grown food that doesn’t get flown across the world which also impacts badly on the environment.

The four winners were:

Clara Richards- Aged 8 (Don’t Waste Food)
James Bowers- Aged 7 (Grow Your Own)
Orlaigh Nowak-Scase – Aged 8 (Grow Your Own)
Gracie Harrison Age 9 (Buy Food Locally)


All the winning posters will be appearing out and about in community spaces, near shops, allotments and town halls for Zero Waste Week 2021 to raise awareness around making our relationship with the food we eat better. All the winners received family passes to the Green Dragon Eco Farm in Buckinghamshire, which we are sure they will enjoy.

Thanks also goes to the support from Zero Carbon Haddenham, Hazlemere Climate Action and Climate Action Wendover.


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