Create Your Own Food Waste Fighting Event

chris-king-photography_feedback-disco-soup-dalston-roof-park52Eat to the beat!

Fancy hosting a celebratory feast, but not quite up for 5000 attendees? Want to get involved in a grassroots movement and enact immediate change in your local area? How about a Feeding the 500 or 50 or even just 15?  If so, Disco Soup provides a simple and fun model for holding your own food waste fighting event – no matter the size.

Disco Soup is a fun gathering that can be held by anyone, anywhere. The Disco community started in Berlin and has spread across the world catalysing local and national food waste movements by bringing people together and raising awareness of food waste. As Feedback Founder Tristram Stuart puts it “Disco Soup is an unparalleled format for engaging new people in the food waste movement and we love it!

chris-king-photography_feedback-disco-soup-dalston-roof-park31How to chop and bop

Help transform food that would have gone to waste into a free feast that’s open to all. Disco Soups are all about reclaiming food and cooking communally by and for everyone that attends. Here’s what you need:

– perfectly edible food that would have gone to waste

– enthusiastic people armed with chopping boards, peelers, bowls, knives and tupperware (for taking leftovers home in)

– a space with tables

– some funky beats!

To find out how to coordinate your own food waste fighting event download our handy Disco Soup Toolkit.

Once you’ve planned your big (or small) day, be sure to let us know so we can help promote it!

Get in the festive mood with this brilliant video from Disco Soup Edinburgh:

For more videos check out the Disco Soup Playlist on our YouTube Channel: