
Want to organise your own event? We have toolkits to help get you started.

Food Citizens Toolkit

This toolkit provides helpful documents, resources and guidance to maximise your food citizenship projects and campaigns, and the movement towards a fairer, accessible and more sustainable food system.

We hope it can help everyone evolve as a FOOD CITIZEN to THINK- CHOOSE – ACT!

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Big Livestock vs The Planet Activist Handbook

Our activist handbook explores Big Livestock and the role campaigners can play in de-legitimising investment and funding to the industry.

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Gleaning Toolkit

Use our Gleaning Toolkit to guide you through setting up your own Gleaning project.

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Feeding the 5000 - Introductory Toolkit

This toolkit covers everything involved in organising a Feeding the 5000. To receive an in-depth toolkit covering every aspect of organising a Feeding the 5000, please email

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Disco Soup Toolkit

This toolkit covers how to organise a Disco Chop, Disco Soup or other small scale community event.

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Food Use Hierarchy

The Food Use Hierarchy highlights the best use for surplus food; taking measures to reduce food surplus, followed by diverting surplus food to charities or livestock feed and finally sending food to digesters to produce bio-gas.

Download Food Use Hierarchy