UK Council Pensions Invested in Big Livestock

The UK’s local councils are pouring £238 million in pension fund money into industrial livestock investments, fuelling a destructive industry which causes climate change, deforestation, human rights abuses and industrial-scale animal cruelty.

What’s the problem?

Globally, livestock already cause 14.5% of global emissions – and if current growth trends continue, the global livestock industry will use almost half the world’s 1.5°C emissions budget by 2030. The biggest culprits are industrial livestock corporations, who are locked into mass-produced low-welfare meat and dairy production. The world’s biggest five industrial livestock companies combined emit more greenhouse gases than ExxonMobil. Not only that, but scientists recently warned that intensive livestock farming creates the “perfect breeding ground” for the development of new viruses. From deforestation to clear land for pastures and animal feed, to human rights abuses in meat packing factories, to the cruelties of factory farming, industrial livestock is bad news for pensions, people and planet.

What’s the solution?

The fossil fuel divestment movement has been inspirational: 1,485 institutions globally representing over $39.2 trillion in assets have already committed to divest from fossil fuels, helping delegitimize these companies and pave the way for regulation.

Now we are calling on local councils to divest from industrial livestock – will you join us?

Here are some ways you can take action


Email your council
How long does it take: 2 minutes

Find out how much your local council invests in industrial livestock, and message your councillors to ask them to divest

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Check out our resources

Read our resources, revealing the UK local authority pension fund investments in industrial livestock and how you can campaign for divestment

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Set up or join a divestment group

Email us for ideas and support to set up an industrial livestock divestment group in your area

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